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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

4 Applications That You Do Not Know (But Should)

4 Applications That You Do Not Know (But Should)
Most computer users are happy with what they got. They use the same set of computer programs day in day out without spending a thought on the thousands of software programs that might be better suited for their needs. The majority are using the same programs. Winamp for music, Firefox for web browsing, Windows Media Player for videos, iTunes for managing the music collection, Gmail for email and so on. The following article will review four applications that you probably never heard about before that might replace installed applications or improve your computer experience in other ways.

1. F.Lux

4 Applications That You Do Not Know (But Should)

I reviewed the computer monitor lighting solution a while ago and it is actually one of the few applications that run all the time on my main computer system. Flux changes the brightness color temperature of the computer display automatically. It uses a 24 hour graph to visualize the changes. The color temperature will be normal throughout the day and be lowered automatically as the day passes to adjust to the real world. You will love this application if you have to look at (to) bright computer screens especially in the evening and at night.

2. Speedfan

4 Applications That You Do Not Know (But Should)

Speedfan is an interesting application to monitor system temperatures and control fan speeds. Users run usually in two scenarios. The first group thinks that their computer system makes to much noise while the second has to fight high temperatures that can lead to crashes and data loss. Speedfan can help both groups. It can lower the fan speed of connected computer fans automatically to reduce the overall noise level of the computer system. It can also warn the user if temperatures are reached that can cause damage and problems.

3. Drive Namer

4 Applications That You Do Not Know (But Should)

Drive Namer is an excellent application to add names to optical drives such as DVD or CD drives. Windows is blocking the name changing on those drives by default which gets confusing if more than one optical drive is installed or virtual drives are used. All of the drives will be named DVD Drive or CD Drive. Drive Namer can change that name to something practical that helps identifying the drive at first glance.

4. Deltacopy

4 Applications That You Do Not Know (But Should)

Windows Backup Software Deltacopy is a sophisticated backup software program that uses a client server approach which makes it ideal for computers located in a network.

Shutdown Computer with Your Cell Phone

Shutdown Computer with Your Cell Phone
Using this method, a user can shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. his or her computer, just by sending an email from his or her phone. love love

To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish to shutdown.

So, this is how you do this:

1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown, Hibernate etc. You can write them down yourselves

2. open your note pad

and write lik this...

c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00

and save it as shutdown.bat

3. Open up Microsoft Outlook. Make sure that you have already configured it for your email.Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired). You can do this by going to Tools: Options.

4. Then click the Mail Setup tab, and afterwards, the Send/Receive button.

5. Make sure that the Schedule an automatic send/receive every... box is checked, and set the number of minutes to 1. Now you may close all of these dialog boxes.

6. Now go to Tools: Rules and Alerts... Next click the options button in the upper right hand corner and press the Import Rules button.

7. Now select the shutdown.bat file ...whi u hv created ...

8. Now, when you send a message from your phone to your e-mail address with the subject shutdown or smsshutdown%%, your computer will shutdown.

Use of any of the Isolated or dead E-mail address or any e-mail will shutdown your computer. Enjoy.. love

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Want more PC speed? 8 Ways to Speed up PC Performance!!

Want more PC speed? 8 Ways to Speed up PC Performance!!

Slowing down computer day by day!! This is the most common problem all computer users facing. Even though no one can give the straight answer for solving this and run the computer smoother like days it bought.

Normally first few days after installing the operating system computer run fast and smoother. After 2, 3 weeks it’s slowing down again.

There are many expensive tools available that have guaranteed for speed up your pc, but as my experience some software are failed and some are successful. Tune-up utilities such a software that has good rate and one of my favorite tool for solving system errors. But you have to pay for it.

I thought to give you some info for speed up your pc without spending money. In this article I'll conduct you along the all available tools in your windows platform and freeware available in internet and use them for speed up computer. So you don't have to pay anyone or any software.

Using available windows tools in your system:

1) . In your system there are two useful tools "Disk Cleanup" and "Disk Defragmenter" that can use speedup process, Go to start > all programs > Accessories > system tools open Disk cleanup, this software can be use for deleting many unnecessary files and also system restore point.

2) . Disk Defragmenter is can be use for defragment, fragmented computer files that are in your hard drive. Fragmented files cause to slow down and reduce computer performance. You should at least defragment your hard drive partition that has installed operating system as a habit.

3) . Go to start > run and type "msconfig" without "" this will open system configuration utility in "start up" tab disable any software that you think cause to slow down you computer when the computer start up process. But you should not disable software like antivirus, firewall and your motherboard software. Otherwise those software will not functioning properly. Remove any software like messengers and any other software that are not system utilities.

4) . Check disk is another inbuilt process for checking errors of your hard drive and fix. I recommend you to check your disk at least once a week as a good habit. Right click on any hard drive partition select “Properties” and in Property window open tab “tools” and click check now. Make sure to check both options there before checking errors.

Using free 3rd party tools:

5) . Ccleaner is one my favorite and popular utility that has ability of cleaning hard drives and registry, advance uninstaller, and cookies deleting. Ccleaner has ability of deleting any unwanted start up software but some software can place start up key or object again its next start, in such a case you need to edit those software “options“ or “preferences“ and uncheck its startup mood for preventing it starting with the system.

6) . WiseRegistryCleaner is another advance registry cleaner which is more sophisticated than ccleaner and has ability of detecting more unnecessary registry keys that cause to slow down the computer.

Things you should consider:

7) . Using high resolution desktop wallpapers and screen savers can eat your system performance, also if you use high graphic themes then that can cause to system slowdown.

8) . Still you're system seriously getting slow and then maybe you need to use windows classic theme with the system settings for adjust for best performance. You can turn this feature ON by right click on your my computer icon, selecting "properties" this will open system properties window. Go to “advance” tab and under performance click “settings” button and select "Adjust for best performance" and click "Apply" again check "show shadows under menus" and "smooth edges of screen fonts" and click apply. Otherwise you'll get crazy with your system even it is faster than ever.

20 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos

20 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos
love love love
Enjoy wink

Want to Improve Shutdown Time

Close apps automatically & quickly at shutdown

Open Registry by going to START-RUN and typing REGEDIT.

Navigate to


and look for AutoEndTasks.
On my computer default value is 0. Change it to 1.
Thats all.
Further more you can reduce the time it takes for Windows to issue kill directive to all active/hung applications. In doing this only constraint that you should make sure exists is that HungAppTimeout is greater than WaitToKillAppTimeout. Change the values of WaitToKillAppTimeout to say 3500
(since default value for HungAppTimeout 5000 and for
WaitToKillAppTimeout is 20000)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sida lagu ogaado qofka Emailka kuu sood diray meesha uu joogo

Inta badan waxaa dhacda in aad wada hadashaan Email ahaan qof aaddan aqoon, waxaadse aad jeceshahay in aad ogaatid.
wadanka ama qaarada uu qofkaa ku noolyahay, sidaad la socotaan kumbuyuutarada aduunka oo dhan wey isku xiranyihiin,
taasoo kuu suurta gelinayso in aad muddo daqiiqad ka yar aad ku ogaatid Emailka halkuu ka yimid.
waxaad ku arki doontaan casharkaan sida ugu fudud ee loo hello.
inta badan dadku waxey isticmaalaan Hotmail sidaa awgeed waxaan idinku tusayaa sida loo hello,
laakiin yahoo iyo Gmailna si isku dhow ayey u shaqeynayaan,

Waxa ugu horeeya waa inaad Sign-in Hotmail  aad sameysaa.

Iminka waxaad riixdaa Inboxka falaarta ay kuu tilmaameyso
Ka dibna  Emailka aad dooneysid inaad ogaato meesha uu ka yimid gacant midig mawska ku riix (Right click) ee dooro View Message source.

Waxaa kuu soo baxaya qoraalo isku dhex yaacsan waxa keliya oo aad u baahantahay waa nambarka ku Hor qoran X-Originating - IP: oo ah IP addreeska qofka
Emailka kuu soo diray meesha uu aduunka ka joogo tusaale ahaan IP: 

IP addreskaa soo koobi (copy)    Websaytkan fur

Meesha ay ku qoran tahay Enter Domain Name or IP Address geli IP Addreskii aad koobiga ku soo sameysay riixna Whois.

Sidaad ku aragtaan sawirka dusha yaala waxaa  soo baxay wixii macluumaad ah, ee IP Addresska, adigoo isla markaana ogaanaya halka uu Emailka ka yimid,Wadanka magaalada magaca iwm.

Wixii macluumaad ah waxaad nagala soo xiriiri kartaan

How to make Windows XP Genuine

Waxaa laga yaabaa in Computerkaaga uu ku duubanyahay Windows XP oo an orijinaal aheyn,ka dib markii aad ogaatey ayaad waxaad is tiri, iminka waxaan haystaa Fure ama key aan soo iibsadey oo Genuine ama sax, mana doonayo in aan Format ama tirtirid ku sameeyo Windowga, waa sidee qaabka ugu dhibka yar ee aan ku gelin karo furaha, isla markaana ka dhiga kara Windows XP-ga mid orijinaal ah.
Hadaba isku day in aad raacdid sawirada hoos aan ku diyaariney.
Iminka Xir Registry Editka, Mar walbana iska ilaali markii aad wax ka bedeleysid, waayo in uu Computerka qaribo ayaa laga yaabaa.
Ku qor        %systemroot%\system32zoobe\msoobe.exe/a
Step 3- waxaa ku soo baxaya koodad kala duwan, kuwaa ayaad telefoonka markii uu ku weydiiyo, aad u gudbinaysaa.
Ka dib si aad ku ogaatid in Windowgaaga uu Orijinaal yahay halkan riix
Hadii ay kuu soo baxdo qoraalka hoos ku yaala "Windowgaaga Waa Orijinaal"